Tyson's Birth Story
Photography by Bella Baby Photography
I told myself I wasn't going to cry while doing this, but the thought of importing the picture above sent me into a spiral of endless sobbing. People - I. Am. Weak. Anyways... onto the main event, shall we?
Quick Back Story
While pregnant with Tyson I suffered from high blood pressure which earned me a ticket to the high risk unit of the University of Kansas Medical Center. On Sunday, August 27th, my blood pressure - while at work - was pretty high. I went into panic mode (per usual) and almost went to triage (for the 4th time during my pregnancy) I decided against it since I had my 38 week appointment the next morning.
August 28th, 2017
My appointment was at 8:00 AM. I had just dropped Antonio off at work and headed straight to the hospital. I waddled myself up to the 5th floor and waited for my appointment. My plan was to mention the high BP to my doctor and get a doctors note to excuse me from the remainder of work for the week since my last day was supposed to be August 31st. While I was getting a sonogram I mentioned the high blood pressure to the nurse. When my doctors came in I mentioned it to them. When they asked me why I didn't come to triage I said, "Well listen, we're moving this week and I can't have this baby just yet!" ... joke. was. on. me. I headed to my exam room and was greeted by not 1, not 2, not 3 ... four doctors. I sat down & I said ... "I'm not going to like this answer, am I?" Fast forward 5 minutes to me walking waddling to Labor & Delivery. I sent some texts, made some phone calls and checked myself into Labor & Delivery.
Right after I was checked into L&D I posted this to Instagram and said, "It's a great day to have a baby!" ANOTHER joke on me...he wasn't born until 26 hours later.
It was really happening! One by one my family members started to file in. My nurse had no idea what she was getting herself into! The day was a blur, with all the checks & attempts to induce me. I know that Cervadil, a Cook Balloon and Pitocin were their weapons of choice. I completed 18 hours of natural labor. I was able to get up & out of bed and labored with a medicine ball. After 18 hours I opted for the epidural which allowed me to get about 1 hour of sleep and gain some sanity back.
August 29th, 2017
Around 8:00 AM on August 29th things started to get even more real. The nurses told me that I was getting close (I believe I was at a 9) and I needed to start getting prepared to have my baby! At 9:00 AM I started pushing and at 10:12 AM our little guy made his way into the world. But not without some sort of drama ... he had shoulder dysplasia. Basically Tyson's shoulder was stuck behind my pelvic bone as he came down the birth canal. Luckily for both of us he was completely fine and so was mom!
He is as perfect as I imagined and he makes me better every second of every day. I am so lucky to be his mama. I love you Tyson James.
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